How “A Better Tomorrow” Works
The Problem
Many of us feel alone and isolated with our problems, especially at work. This often means we can struggle to get through our day.
Mental health issues still remain difficult to discuss and without support, small daily tasks can mount up to become impossible.
🙏 To help anyone and everyone get a little support today so that they can realise a better tomorrow in a safe environment
🙏 To challenge the perception of mental health stigma at work, always being on your ‘A’ game and how we can support each other
The Workshop
The workshop is split into two parts. The first 45 minutes is an opportunity to challenge issues around the perception of mental health at work.
A follow up practical session involves sharing experiences anonymously and then being able to wander through the entire organisation’s thoughts digitally via Miro. Virtual hugs are provided to enable an empathetic way to support each other.
The Pledge
✋ As a people team, to bring one action point to your organisation that aims to assist the mental health of your people and teams
✋ As a participant, to take time to reflect and empathise with those around you
The Why
1 in 6 people experience mental health problems in the workplace
A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion annually due to lost productivity
Only 5% of employees actually use the EAP products offered to them (Employee assistance programmes)
Use the form on this site to describe in a sentence or two how you or your friends or family members might have experienced stress. How did it affect you? Were you able to help those going through a situation?
Look at other people’s stories. Think what they may have been going through or how they tried to help. Take a moment or two if you can to pause for thought.
Just by taking a few moments to cast your eyes over these stories or even provide one yourself means you’re helping and supporting the initiative. If you like, put a hug sticker on a story that impacted you in anyway.
Act Now
Your people make your company what it is. And common mental disorders are increasing worldwide, especially since COVID. The WHO found that every US$1 invested in scaling up treatment for depression and anxiety led to a return of US$4 in better health and ability to work. There is a direct correlation between the state of mind of your people and your bottom line.
But more importantly, addressing mental health in the workplace is the right thing to do. And now. The OECD found that during COVID mental health promotion programmes were severely disrupted. Employers must contribute to support the mental health of their employees. The research shows that unfortunately the effects of lockdown and the COVID fallout in relation to employees’ mental health has been widely overlooked*

A Better Tomorrow at your organisation
Want to make a start in changing support and attitudes towards mental health? Then why not find out how A Better Tomorrow can help. Reach out today to make a difference for a better tomorrow, for your people and your organisation.